Tuesday 23 July 2013

Hello Self!

Just returned from a beautiful wedding in Devon - my Godson, lots of friends and family—it was truly a joyful occasion. And you know the weather was so hot..... One lunchtime in town we bought bottles of water. So with one of the bottles, just fooling around, I said how hard the cap was to get off, and then after a while I had the gradual sinking realisation that actually—no matter how hard I tried—the cap wasn’t coming off at all! 
So I leaned the bottle on a wall outside a pub, and sawing slowly and gently away at the plastic with a pen-knife, twisting harder and harder and doing a lot of looking and breathing—it still would not budge. But I was being Mindful and not forcing anything at all and really taking my time and quite enjoying the moments. 
Suddenly, a disembodied hand appeared from under a screen on the wall and a voice said, “Do you want a hand with that mate?! (He must have been watching this little scene all along through the gap) So I gave the unseen person the bottle and quick as a flash he had the top off in no time and handed it back to me. It was so funny. It was hilarious. I said thanks and peeking round the corner of the screen saw him return to his group sitting around a table. I swear there was something wrong with the manufacture of the cap on that particular bottle—I didn’t want anyone to think I wasn’t strong enough to open a water bottle! Hello Self!! There you are again.....

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