Wednesday 18 June 2014

Drilling Deep

It was all going so well putting up the shelfI like a bit of DIYand then my ancient electric drill decided to give up the ghost. I didn’t mind the forced pause though and got to work immediately researching how I might repair the fault and finding out what new and better drill I might get if a repair was not feasible. Finally, after much deliberation, I decided to treat myself to a new drill which I found as a great deal online. It was perfect and I was all set and excited to buy it, when....... my daughter kindly offered the loan of her drills saying very sensibly that we could share them.

My mind was not prepared for this turn of events at all and instantly rebelled with ‘Nooooo!! I want my own new drill!’ What can you do with a childish mind like that? It eventually calmed down (luckily the offer was sent to me by text, so my reaction apart from lamentably sharing my feelings with my wife who famously gets all this stuffsorry Christinawas largely an internal one) and I was then able to accept the drills reasonably graciously. Phew!! 

By the way, these drills that I’m talking about and now using are great..... and even older than my broken one!! 

There’s a lot to be said for allowing time for the mind to settle before always doing straight away what it wants you to.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that what formal meditation is supposed to help with..noticing the desire to move, itch, make a cup of tea etc, but then resist.. and notice what happens. And you allowed yourself that delay in everyday life. Well done you! I recently had an overwhelming urge to buy a clematis that I had seen at the market on the way to heart was actually palpitating as I rushed back from dropping my daughter to see if that particular clematis was still there as I absolutely needed to have was and I found my whole experience hilarious. We are so funny! I wonder what would have happened if I had noticed the desire and resisted?


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